Ways of Nature & MidCurrent

It is not everyday you get your pictures showcased alongside Val Atkinson or Brian O'Keefe (among others...) ! For years MidCurrent has been the place where flyfishermen the world over gather to hear or read about the sport's latest news. Articles, techniques, gear, trips, videos... You have got it all there at MidCurrent. The fly fishing art and photography section is probably the best you will find on the web, and I am really proud to be featured there. Just 3 images so far, but I plan to develop that gallery. Thank you Tim Romano ! Cliquer ICI


You may need pictures for brochures, web pages, magazines, etc... Through my projects I am also building a picture library. If you want to use one of my pictures for professional purposes, feel free to contact me. We will discuss your needs and I will give you a quote. The rates will depend on the photo usage as much as its type of distribution. They are based on the industry standards, but are open to negotiation.

Taking pictures

Through my work as a photographer, I try to better understand how specific environments are organized, isolate their components, find bits and pieces of harmony which, when added, end up producing natural grandeur and beauty. I hope the pictures presented here reveal the deep respect I have for nature. If, by any chance, they help just one person realize how vital it is to cherish it and protect it, then my work is not in vain.

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